
451 Research Report: EC RenewIT project releases software tools for renewable-powered datacenters

January 15, 2016

451 Research has published a report on the main outputs of the RenewIT project for its subscribers.

RenewIT, a European Commission research project, has developed a range of software tools and associated research to encourage the development of renewable-powered datacenters. According to the project consortium (of which 451 Research is a member), the tools and research will support datacenter operators and designers in creating a more compelling case for investing in on-site renewable energy. Energy-efficiency technologies are also a core part of the project, to ensure that renewable energy is used as efficiently as possible. Datacenter technology suppliers can also use the tools and research to help potential customers quantify the cost benefits of on-site renewable technologies. 

The main funding period of the project will end in October 2016, and the consortium is now focused on promoting the tools and research, to ensure that they are widely adopted by the industry and the scientific community. The project is also focused on understanding the role of datacenters in smart cities, such as with heat reuse and microgrids.

The report can be accessed on the 451 Research site.