Validation report of technical concepts and energy through case studies
This deliverable explains how the energy models built within the RenewIT project have been validated.
This deliverable explains how the energy models built within the RenewIT project have been validated.
The RenewIT project has released the Virtual Machine Manager (VMM), a Cloud computing resources manager that integrates energy efficiency metrics as a core objective
The RenewIT project has had a paper published in: Energy Procedia
The RenewIT project has had a paper accepted in: Building Simulation 2015
The RenewIT project has had a paper accepted in: International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry 2015
The RenewIT project has had a paper accepted in: Deutsche Kälte- und Klimatagung 2015
The RenewIT project has had a paper published in: IAB Wissenschaftstage
The RenewIT project has had a paper published in: 22. Symposium Nutzung regenerativer Energiequellen und Wasserstofftechnik
The RenewIT project has had a paper accepted in: First IEEE International Workshop on Green Standardizations and Industry Issues for ICT and Relevant Technologies (GSICT), San Diego, CA, USA
The RenewIT project has had a paper accepted in: IRES 2015, International Renewable Energy Storage Conference
The RenewIT project has had a paper published in: Applied Thermal Engineering
The RenewIT project has had a paper published in: Applied Energy
The RenewIT project has had a paper published in: EuroSun 2014
The RenewIT project has had a paper published in: HLH Lueftung
The RenewIT project has had a paper published in the Energy Procedia journal.
This document looks at potential renewable energy and cooling solutions for a group of data centres that have cooperated with the RenewIT project.
RenewIT has published a report, and prototype models, detailing its approach to optimising data centre workloads to improve energy efficiency and environmental impact.
RenewIT deliverable 5.1 provides users interested in Data Center modeling with access to a TRNSYS library specifically developed for the project.
RenewIT is a European Union-funded research project to help Data Centre owners and operators to be more energy efficient, use more renewable energy sources, and investigate how to make use of exported energy (such as for heating local buildings).
The project has released a catalogue of advanced technical concepts for the supply of power and cooling energy in Data Centres in order to achieve Net Zero Energy use.
RenewIT is pleased to announce the release of public deliverable D3.1, a report on relevant metrics to evaluate the performance of key energy concepts in Data Centres
This Deliverable describes the Data Centre market and defines archetypes to categorise Data Centres. The reference Data Centres which will be used in case studies during the project are described and mapped onto the archetypes. Public Deliverable with the acknowledgement of the EC services. Content pending validation.
This Deliverable aims to describe and characterise the energy and indoor quality requirements for IT equipment in Data Centre operation. Public Deliverable with the acknowledgement of the EC services. Content pending validation
This public document lays out different options for the use of renewable power and heat/cold production into Data Centres.
The technical meeting of the WP4 of RenewIT was held in DEERNS – Risjswijk (The Netherlands) on 17-18 December 2013 with the participation of DEERNS, IREC, TUC and Aiguasol.
Already available the last project presentation
First press articles about Renew IT project
The Kick-off meeting of the RenewIT EU Project was held in IREC-Tarragona on 29-30 October 2013