
New RenewIT project video: From research labs to church data centres

The European Commission funded RenewIT project has released an in-depth video giving an insight into the main tools and research developed during the project.


Scientific paper: Energy Procedia

The RenewIT project has had a paper published in: Energy Procedia


Scientific conference paper: Building Simulation 2015

The RenewIT project has had a paper accepted in: Building Simulation 2015


Scientific conference paper: International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry 2015

The RenewIT project has had a paper accepted in: International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry 2015


Scientific conference paper: Deutsche Kälte- und Klimatagung 2015

The RenewIT project has had a paper accepted in: Deutsche Kälte- und Klimatagung 2015


Scientific conference paper: IAB Wissenschaftstage

The RenewIT project has had a paper published in: IAB Wissenschaftstage


Scientific conference paper: 22. Symposium Nutzung regenerativer Energiequellen und Wasserstofftechnik

The RenewIT project has had a paper published in: 22. Symposium Nutzung regenerativer Energiequellen und Wasserstofftechnik


Scientific conference paper: First IEEE International Workshop on Green Standardizations

The RenewIT project has had a paper accepted in: First IEEE International Workshop on Green Standardizations and Industry Issues for ICT and Relevant Technologies (GSICT), San Diego, CA, USA


Scientific conference paper: IRES 2015

The RenewIT project has had a paper accepted in: IRES 2015, International Renewable Energy Storage Conference


Scientific paper: Applied Thermal Engineering

The RenewIT project has had a paper published in: Applied Thermal Engineering


451 Research Report: EC RenewIT project releases software tools for renewable-powered datacenters

451 Research has published a report on the main outputs of the RenewIT project for its subscribers.


Scientific paper: Applied Energy

The RenewIT project has had a paper published in: Applied Energy


Scientific conference paper: EuroSun 2014

The RenewIT project has had a paper published in: EuroSun 2014


Scientific paper: HLH Lueftung

The RenewIT project has had a paper published in: HLH Lueftung


Scientific paper: Energy Procedia

The RenewIT project has had a paper published in the Energy Procedia journal.


Press release: Free Tools and Research to tackle Data Centre Energy Use and Reduce CO2 Emissions

RenewIT has published the latest press release from the project announcing the tools to be released from the project so far.


EU research projects release datacenter efficiency metrics research

A group of EU research projects has released a new report on efficiency metrics for data centres


RenewIT featured in analyst report on renewable energy and the datacenter

The RenewIT project is one of the projects featured in a new in-depth analyst report examining adoption of renewable energy in the datacenter industry.


renrewIT_video play

About the project

RenewIT is a European Union-funded research project to help Data Centre owners and operators to be more energy efficient, use more renewable energy sources, and investigate how to make use of exported energy (such as for heating local buildings).


RenewIT at EuroSun 2014

RenewIT will be presented at the important EuroSun 2014 conference, 16th-19th September in Aix-les-Bains, France



RenewIT Press Presentation

Already available the last project presentation
